Watch the video for the full details on Camtasia extend frame and how to freeze a frame in Camtasia 9.1. The Camtasia Extend Frame feature has now been updated with the minor update of Camtasia 9.1. In Camtasia 9, Shift E will not work if there are clips on the same track because it cannot extend out. You will usually have more than one clip and assets on several Camtasia timeline tracks when you all of a sudden discover you need to extend a frame. Also, in most cases, your timeline does not have only one clip on it. = Your help in building my subscriber base to 1,000 subscribers and more would be greatly appreciated! Subscribe Here: ****** = Part of the problem with using the original Camtasia extend frame, by entering the number of seconds, is that it is pretty much a guessing game as to how many seconds are needed to extend the frame. There were some frustrating issues in extending a frame this way and I am happy to say, with TechSmith’s recently released minor update for Camtasia 9, life is much simpler. With Camtasia 9, you could extend a frame by entering the number of seconds you wanted to extend the clip.